Sunday, November 25, 2007

The JOY of Aging......Really!!

Like millions of people on Friday, I too braved the stores for "Black Friday"......yet instead of discovering the perfect gift for a loved one, I discovered something about myself!!

While visiting with relatives for Thanksgiving, my sister and I decided to see what we could find in the stores on Friday. As neither of us had our "lists" or any real desire for particular items, it was more of an opportunity to spend some time together than it was to get some "real deals" for the holidays.

We headed out to the local stores and wandered......literally wandered through the stores looking at the piles and mountains of products and the throngs of people clamoring for the items that were "one day sale specials". Not having participated on the Black Friday Frenzy for years, I was amazed. It reminded me of a sad remake of the movie "Night of the Living Dead"..........people wandering, as if in a daze..........tired, cranky, moving from store to store......simply with the goal of filling their carts. I'm certain many of these people simply wanted to be at home enjoying a well-deserved and long-overdue day off with their families, eating left-over turkey and stuffing, yet here they were......

While it amazed me at how the stores had all geared up for this day so far in advance, how the buying public was participating in the hoopla, and of course at the sheer volume of things to be purchased, I was amazed at something else.....something inside of me.

I felt so removed from the process of it all......I had no desire to purchase anything! My thoughts wandered to some of the decorations and how I wanted to create a special holiday atmosphere and mood in our home, but I wasn't processing what items the kids or I "needed" to be happy this holiday season. My wish list became populated by other things that morning. Here are the first several items:

1. Time to make holiday cookies with the kids
2. Remember to get that family recipe for my grandmother's applesauce cake
3. Find the kids' favorite holiday music CD that got put away with last year's decorations....the one they knew all the words to so we could sing along
4. Cut the construction paper so we could make paper chains for the tree
5. Clear the afternoon after-school schedule so we could go ice-skating
6. Stop by the library for a stock-pile of holiday stories to read in front of the fireplace

My list grew as I wandered along. The true JOY of the holidays for me was not to be about finding the perfect gift. My list didn't cost much money either! My list was about making the TIME with those who are most important to me in my was about making MEMORIES of an unhurried holiday was about creating TRADITIONS for my children that hopefully would carry over to their adulthood and they would not become one of the wandering zombies at the mall on Black Friday!

I see this as a true joy of aging.....sure I have a few more aches and pains with each passing year.....but I also have a greater sense of the real me and what is important in my life! I'm embracing the wisdom that the aging process brings! Realizing what is truly important is a joy of aging!! I have the courage, wisdom and capability to make the holiday season what I WANT it to be......not what I've been told it should be!

What is it you wish your holiday season to be? What is important to you? What brings you JOY?

Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / LifePower Coach

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Red Shoes in the's a Revolution!

I had to chuckle as I was looking through this morning's paper's sales flyers......either it's the time of year or the stores are catching on......RED SHOES are everywhere!! Trying to take a "scientific" approach, I placed every flyer in the Sunday paper around me on the table to see how many stores had red shoes or boots in their advertisements and how many did not. It was amazing....every single flyer had at least one pair of red shoes in it!! Perhaps the revolution is beginning!! Women are starting to request red shoes and the marketplace is responding!!

I have started receiving emails from women at work sharing their red shoe stories with me....fabulous!! I'm getting emails from men asking where to get their wives or girlfriends a pair of red shoes........wonderful! I'm seeing women wearing red shoes and boots not just on weekends......but also in the workplace! Fantastic!!

A woman wearing a pair of red shoes makes a statement! My red shoes are my exclamation point.......they simply make me feel GOOD! I have witnessed the transformation of women in the workplace as they walk into meetings more confident, composed, and ready to voice their opinions and ideas! Watch out corporate America.....women in the workplace have started launching a revolution.....the revolution of the red shoes!

It's curious to me how simply changing the color of the shoes on our feet can make such a change in our confidence, composure and attitude. Imagine the power we have available by making other changes in our lives. Imagine the empowerment of believing in ourselves and making the choices and changes that we've been putting off for so long! What's stopping you? Recognizing your personal strength is much like a child learning to walk.....once you recognize it, you want more . Once you practice it, you can't be stopped! Greater confidence and power builds with each use of your personal power and strength! Use it! Practice it! Grow with it!

What changes in your life could you start making today that would reinforce YOU? Do you need a pair of red shoes in your life? They're available everywhere!

Glenna Sanford
Author / Speaker / LifePower Coach

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Are You a Morning Person? A Night Person?...How About Becoming an EVERY DAY Person!

An interesting conversation I had on the plane……

It was an early flight….even too early for ME who is a definite "morning" person. I typically rise each day by 5AM. Today however, I needed to catch a flight that left the ground at 5:15AM….hmmmm…..what to do? The only solution possible was to set the alarm clock for an unheard of hour of 3AM. I actually worried the clock wouldn’t work to go off at that time! Three o’clock in the morning? Ugh!

The airport was crowded…..full to the brim of cranky individuals waiting for their luggage to be screened. My thought was that not many of these folks in line with droopy eyes and hair awry were true “morning” people. Not many personal greetings were being shared as folks stared at their boarding passes, double and triple checking that they were at the correct gate….after all… was early!

The flight departed and arrived safely at the next airport where again more non-morning people were grumbling and grousing as they endured the shuffle from one gate to the other……

On to the next plane….and into an interesting conversation. It came out in conversing with my seat mate that I was a morning person and he was an evening person. Then the question evolved…..are there “day persons”? Hmmmmm…….

If a large percentage of our population is more oriented to their productivity during the morning hours and the remaining percentage is more oriented to their productivity during the afternoon and evening hours…what happens to those who are “day” people?

How about the excuse of why people are allowed to be cranky because they are not “morning people” or they are not “night people”……why do we excuse the actions of individuals because they need to interact around their prime “time”? Why do we excuse such behavior……and again, what happens to the “day” person……..when is their allotted time to be cranky?

If we continue to find excuses for our behavior we will continue to perpetuate the behavior. If we move beyond the behavior, we grow. My goal is to move beyond being a “morning person” and becoming an “every-day-all-day person”… grow to appreciate the wonders and joys around us every day…..ALL day. If we are ultimately able to see the joys around us, we ultimately will share the joys around us with others……..and won’t that make the world a better place?

I think my seat mate was on to something…..where are the “day people”……I think we could all be “day people”…..EVERY day people! Start today! Don’t wait until tomorrow…find your personal joy today. Share your joy with others….today. Become an “every day person!”

Glenna Griffin Sanford
Author / Speaker / LifePower Coach

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Try letting may just land in a better place!

Why do we hold on for so long? Why do we have a fear of letting go? Why don't we give ourselves permission to let go and realize that we may just land in a better place?

I believe we become comfortable in routine. We become comfortable in knowing what to expect......even if it's not great. We become comfortable in our own discomfort. I believe we are capable of so much more if we give ourselves permission to "let go" of the routine, the pain, the anger, the guilt.......we hang on to those things for so long we don't allow ourselves to discover new directions, new experiences, new joys!!

When we become complacent to routine we risk the true joy of living life as it is meant to be lived. We hang on so tightly because we fear the fall. We fear the fall of where we will land......potentially in a place that is full of uncomfort, sadness and lonliness. HOWEVER......isn't it also possible that we could let go and possibly land in a NEW place? A wonderful place? A place we simply could not have imagined while we were hanging on so tightly?

Life is about making choices......and sometimes those choices involve change. We must cherish the ability to choose......while we can choose to try to make up for mistakes, to make choices to atone a sense of guilt, to choose to ignore the reality of our pain....we can choose to try so hard to get back what we once had that we lose sight of what we could gain......we also can choose to let GO of the guilt, the mistakes and our pain....we can CHOOSE to forgive ourselves and others....we can CHOOSE to let GO of the past and land in a better place in our minds and in our hearts.

Let GO ....... you may just land in a better place!

Our ability to choose is a gift.....we can choose to stay in a place that limits our potential or we can choose to move beyond what is holding us back. We don't need to fix the problems, we don't need to make everyone around us happy, we don't need to make up for our mistakes.....sometimes we simply need to "let go". Try might like might thrive from may just land in a better place!!

Glenna Sanford

Friday, October 12, 2007

Inspiration I gained from a recent speaking engagement...

Have you ever had one of those moments where you think you have something to share with someone, but then you actually receive more than you give?

Recently I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker for Bach Pharma in Andover, MA, at their Board of Director's meeting dinner event. I was asked to speak to share my experience with breast cancer and my belief that our lives are filled with true joy and how we can overcome obstacles in our lives. Bach Pharma is doing some great things in regard to working to get a new drug (Galavit) that is currently being used in other countries approved for use in this country.

Throughout the evening as I spoke with individuals from around the country and world from various organizations, (Harvard Medical School, The Longevity Foundation, The Sarah Canon Cancer Center, to name a few.....) I was impressed at the great work they are doing and the tireless efforts they are continuing to provide to help those who are afflicted with various diseases.

What impressed me even more was the overwhelming dedication of this select group of individuals all fighting for the same help others get well and live their lives. While I was just one person speaking about what I believed, here was an entire group dedicated to making the world a better place.....for all!

I believe there is strength in numbers and the strength of this group will do great things....of that I am certain. As a cancer survivor, I appreciate the work they are doing and the work of all those before who made it possible for me to call myself a "survivor". It was a humbling experience to be seated with this group of people who tirelessly give of themselves.....all with the goal of helping sick people get better and live longer and more fulfilled lives.

Sure, I was telling my story about my experience and beliefs.......but look what they are doing!! They are changing the world!!!

I left MA truly inspired to reach out to more people, to discover new joys, to do MORE! Sure...I may have been asked to be the one to inspire the group........but I gained so much more inspiration than I had to give!! I gained the joy of true inspiration by seeing this collaborative group all striving for the same goal despite obstacles!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you think you have something to give.....yet you walk away with so much more?!

LIVE life every day......don't let it pass you by!!


Glenna Sanford
Author / Speaker / LifePower Coach

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What Boulder Are You Pushing?

You know how we all receive those chain email notes all the time……the ones that get forwarded to us and if we don’t pass them along we’ll have a gazillion years bad luck? Usually I delete them immediately…..however one I received the other day caught my attention. It was about a man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light. A voice told him to go outside because there was work to do. The man went outside and found a large rock in front of his cabin. The voice told the man to push against the rock with all his the man pushed. He pushed and pushed against the rock, every day, for years and years…..yet never moved the rock. The man began to think the task was impossible. He was discouraged and disheartened. Finally, the man questioned the voice, “I have labored long and hard. I have put all of my strength into moving the boulder and it has not moved. What is wrong? Why am I failing?”

The voice responded, “I told you there was work to do. I told you to push against the rock. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to MOVE the rock. Your task was to PUSH. Through your work of pushing the rock, you have grown strong. In pushing you have inspired others, learned determination, dedication and devotion. You have toiled tirelessly and have learned great things. That is what I wanted of you.”

So many of us toil and labor……so many of us react to what we think we should be doing. So many of us get caught up in the routine of pushing the boulder that we lose sight of WHY we’re pushing the boulder. The purpose of the boulder is what it makes of you. We all have a boulder…….what is your boulder making of you?

Let me tell you about one of MY boulders…..the boulder of cancer.

Six years ago I returned from my daily 5 mile walk and jumped in the shower before getting my 6 year old son on the school bus and taking our 2 year old daughter to a play date.

Rushing through the morning routine I jumped in the shower. As I showered, I remember suddenly becoming still as my washcloth stopped at the top of my right breast. There was a hardness to my breast that was not there the day before. I still remember standing still in the shower with the water running for so long that it turned from hot to cold….draining the hot water tank and draining the routine thoughts of the day from my mind.

As I tried to collect myself, my first thought went to “Oh no, something isn’t right”. Then as my brain raced, I tried to rationalize….. “Impossible…..this hardness was NOT there yesterday……how could a lump appear that quickly?.......what am I thinking?......there’s no history in my family…….I eat healthy….I exercise…..I nursed my children….I’ve never smoked……I even eat lots of salmon!.(we all know how good salmon is for you!)......I did all the “right things”……I was 32 years old!.....” Yet, somehow I knew instinctively something was not right.

I chose not to tell my husband that day about what I had discovered in the shower… the time I convinced myself that I needed to wait to tell him until I had all of the information….yet now I realize that perhaps I held off on telling him because somewhere inside I realized I couldn’t handle my own thoughts while dealing with his……I knew he would freak out. I waited for 4 days before I told him…..questioning, worrying, working though the “what if’s” in my mind in silence………In 4 more days I learned that I indeed had a diagnosis of Stage 3 Infiltrating Ductile Carcinoma…….Breast Cancer.

Three weeks after diagnosis I was being wheeled into the surgical suite at Mass General for removal of both of my breasts. Three weeks after that I started chemotherapy at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute….a place I had always donated to for “the cancer patients” but had never walked inside its doors as “the” patient.

When I look back at that year of diagnosis, five major surgeries, chemotherapy, losing my hair, genetic testing, a hysterectomy, reconstruction and recovery, I’m amazed at how strong we can be when we have to be. We can be strong despite being so scared. We can be strong despite being overwhelmed by a medical world that is foreign to us. We can be strong despite the pain. Pushing against the boulder does indeed make us strong.

I remember trying to balance being “mom” and being “the cancer patient”…….involving the children so they didn’t feel cast aside while the focus was on fighting the disease, yet also protecting them. I still chuckle at the memory of asking my 6 year if he wanted to shave my head when my hair started to fall out from the chemotherapy. He was thrilled to have something he could do to help! The only problem occurred while he was working on the back of my head……he was clipping slowly and cautiously…..when I asked him if something was the matter, he told me he was trying to be careful so he didn’t poke the eyes on the back of my head!!

On the radar screen of life, cancer is one of those BIG beeps….not a little beep like missing a flight at the airport, or getting stuck in rush hour traffic….it is a BIG beep! It truly does something to you……not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Simply facing our mortality creates great divides…….in friendships, in relationships, in families……no two people handle it quite the same. I discovered new friends willing to sit for hours by my side during chemotherapy treatments and I found that some friends disappeared….unable to handle my illness. I found doctors who would give me their personal cell phone numbers for me to call at any time, day or night …..and I found doctors who couldn’t remember my name while holding my chart in their hands.

Physically it is amazing what they can do with the human body these days……I’m telling you…..I’ve got more parts missing or replaced with new and improved models I feel like I’m set for life! And that’s precisely the point…..I’m set for LIFE!!!

While cancer is a big beep on our physical radar screens, I believe cancer is a much BIGGER beep on your mental and emotional radar screen …… it truly causes you to pause…..think…..think some more…..and say, “What in the world am I doing with my life? I’m HERE! I want to LIVE! I want to LIVE my life! I may not be able to move the boulder by myself, but I know I will be stronger for trying! I want to live!!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend so much of their lives complaining about the boulder in their yard. Too many people spend their lives complaining about what life has handed them….about what they “got” or what they “didn’t get”. As far as I’m concerned, you “get what you get”……from there you have a choice….to complain about it, to whine about it, or to get OVER it and make the most of it!

This phrase applies to so much in our lives, “You get what you get – get over it!” “You get what you get – deal with it!” “You get what you get – don’t complain, improve it!” The idea that life is “unfair” and that we all “deserve” certain things boggles my mind…..things happen… is “unfair”….we get what we get! Things happen to all of us…’s part of life! We all get gigantic boulders dumped in our laps sometimes! We can be overcome and complain about life not being fair, or we can realize that we “get what we get” and must make the best of it!

Each one of us has a boulder we want to move. What we must realize is that the pushing against the boulder makes us stronger. We may never get rid of the boulder……believe me, every year when I go in for my check up at Dana Farber, the boulder is still there…..sitting larger than life in my mind’s eye….and I wonder… the boulder back?

The boulders that we are all up against can feel gigantic. The pushing makes us tired and can make us callused. Every one of us has a boulder in our lives…’s what IT MAKES OF YOU that makes the difference.

Let me tell you what the boulder of cancer has made of me.

I have learned that despite “getting what I got”, life is GRAND. Life is WONDERFUL! Life is meant to be LIVED! I don’t want to just “live” though…….I want to live my life in exclamation points!!! I want to live in exclamation points!!!

I would like to propose a concept to you all here tonight…..the concept of adding punctuation marks to your lives. Specifically, adding an EXCLAMATION POINT to your lives.

It’s simply amazing to me that when you add a simple vertical line above the dot of a period and apply it to the cycle of your life, your life go from “routine, normal, every-day” to “living large with excitement and joy!”

We can go through life in a series of periods as we go through the motions of routine. We can go through our lives in question marks….. always doubting, questioning, second guessing……. OR….we can choose to go through life incorporating exclamation points at every turn to make our lives and the lives of those around us come alive!

I think of exclamation points, bold letters and all caps the same way I think about wearing red shoes….not just red shoes…..I mean RED shoes! It’s exciting! It’s bold! It stands out!! Every time I wear red shoes I get two reactions… from women and one from men. The women stop me and say, in a hushed voice, “I LOVE your shoes….but I could NEVER wear them….I don’t have the NERVE…..but I SO wish I did!”….to which my response is, “Of COURSE you can wear them! They’re fun! They’re exciting! Here! Try mine on!!” The transformation when a woman puts on a pair of outrageously red shoes is magical! She immediately stands a little taller, she smiles a bit broader, and she walks with more authority! It’s a statement, it’s a feeling, its an expression! My red shoes are my exclamation point!

Now the other reaction I receive from my red shoes is from men, who also come up to me and in a quiet hushed voice, typically with eyebrows wiggling, they say, “Hey, I LOVE your shoes…..”, which has an entirely different meaning of it’s own! J

What’s YOUR exclamation point? What are YOUR red shoes?

The second thing that the boulder of cancer made of me was my ability to see the power of CHOICE.

It took me a long time to truly see myself as worthy of making choices for myself. I have always been a “nurturer” by nature….sometimes I blame it on my Italian heritage… mother was always the one to encourage anyone walking through the door to sit and “manga, manga, eat, eat!!” ……instinctively I had always thrived on taking care of everyone else. I had just never learned to truly take care of “me” in the process.

Even through cancer I was worried more about everyone else than I was about myself….I was focused on my then 2 and 6 year old children… husband… family…..our friends…….I didn’t want to make them uncomfortable or inconvenienced because of my illness. Looking back…what was I, crazy? Cancer is UNCOMFORTABLE and it sure as heck is INCONVENIENT!!

Part of loving your life is choosing yourself first… is being your favorite person….and those are not selfish thoughts. By loving your life and who you are you become stronger, more capable, and more giving to others! When we are caught up in doubt, denial, fear and uncertainty, we have little to give. We MUST give to ourselves first! We must be nurturers to ourselves before we can nurture others.

I have a friend who has a 13 year old son who is wheelchair bound, whose body and mind are wracked with disease………her son has been the boulder that was placed in her yard yet she has for years planted flowers around the boulder and has seen the beauty. She just received a second boulder…..placed beside the first. She discovered she has the genetic marker for breast cancer and has made the choice to undergo preventative surgeries…..a hysterectomy and mastectomies. This choice she has made is not selfish. This choice is focused on survival. She needs to be there for her son. No one else can care for a child as a mother does and she is making the choice to take whatever measures she can to continue to be there. Her choice allows her to chip away at the boulder…..minimizing its size.

Being your favorite person is not selfish, or self-centered….it is essential! If we do not believe in ourselves we cannot believe in others. Our personal confidence reflects onto others! When a stone is cast into still water, it creates a ripple. Choosing yourself first and interacting with the world around us with a heightened sense of personal confidence creates the same ripple effect…’s a ripple of positive energy.

The third thing that the boulder of cancer made of me, is my ability to receive the power of joy in my life.

When my children were small and started to question the theories of magical beings that would sneak into our home and leave special treats… know, such as the tooth fairy or the St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun …..I would tell them, “if you don’t believe, you won’t receive!” Well…I feel the same way about the power of joy. If we don’t believe in joy in our lives, we cannot possibly receive joy in our lives.

While I am truly blessed and privileged to today be standing here as a cancer survivor, cancer, I now realize, brought me joy. Cancer filtered my reality to awaken my senses! My vision, my hearing, my sense of smell and taste, and my ability to touch have all been renewed!

My vision has been focused more clearly on what is truly important in life and allowing insignificant items to blur into the background. Cancer intensified my ability to see the joy of sunshine streaming through the clouds, or a hand picked bouquet of dandelions in the grasp of a child. What do you truly see in the world around you?

My hearing has been fine tuned to allow me to delight in such joyful sounds as children laughing, birds chirping, or gentle rains tapping at the windows. Cancer has also provided me with the ability to hear more clearly others in need or someone in quiet pain so that I may offer my help. Is there someone in your life that you need to hear?

My sense of smell now provides scents I never new existed! I do stop and smell the flowers rather than rush by in haste. Is there a new smell you can discover?

My sense of taste has come alive so that a meal made for me by a child rivals that prepared by any great chef. Cancer proved that a meal made by friend or family in our time of need includes one priceless ingredient not found in any store….the ingredient of “love”. Cancer made quite clear that a meal shared together has more joy than a meal eaten alone. Is there someone in your life you’ve been wanting to share a meal with? Call….make a date…!

Cancer enhanced my sense of touch so that my heart swells every time I hold the hands of my children. Cancer causes me to pause and stroke the soft cheeks of my sleeping children and wonder at their beauty. Cancer has provided me with the feeling of joy with every hug with a friend. Who in your life needs a hug…..a friend? A patient? Reach out to them….it makes all the difference!

I am so very grateful for the countless numbers of people who over the years have pushed and pushed against the boulder of disease…..who have tirelessly worked at chipping away at the boulder……without their constant pushing and chipping at the boulder I may not be here today.

Don’t let the boulder of disease that you push against every day cause you to lose focus on why you’re working so hard. My living and breathing here today is a result of the work of countless people in the medical field pushing hard against the boulder. It’s about the PEOPLE you help. The boulder has names and faces attached to it. Physicians must be cautious to not become calloused toward the boulder of disease as they push and push against the boulder of disease because of ‘people’…..not for recognition, not for fame…..but for people….to save lives.

Pushing against the boulder, chipping away at the boulder, or combining forces with others to push the boulder aside is POWER.

It creates the power of hope…and it creates the power of LIFE! We must realize our strength! Joy is a powerful force if we look for it, are open to it, and are willing to receive it! Once we receive it, we can then share it with others!

We don’t have a choice on how we die, we only have the choice of how we live! Choose to live in joy. Choose to help others find their joy. Choose to help those you encounter every day to discover their red shoes!!

Put a few exclamation points in your life! Put LOTS of exclamation points in your life!! Make the choice for joy in your life. Choose joy!!

What boulder are you pushing? What is your boulder making of you?
Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach

Sunday, August 5, 2007

You Get What You Get! Make the Most of It!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend so much of their time complaining about what life has handed them.....about what they "got" or "didn't get". As far as I'm concerned, you get what you get.....from there you have a complain about it, to whine about it, or to get over it and make the most of it!

I recently spoke with someone who was complaining about everyone else having "it all" and hadn't they worked long enough and hard enough to have the same things? Yet when I looked at this person, I saw a successful individual who didn't outwardly appear to want for much....yet they were unhappy and looking for that greener grass that was on the other side of the fence!

I see physically handicapped individuals who never utter a word of complaint. I see physically capable individuals who complain over an injury and bemoan the fact that "this happened to them". I see cancer victims spending countless hours wondering "why me" and ultimately waste so much of their precious time with their friends and family.....and I see cancer victims who live life with renewed vigor to make the most of where they are and who they are with! It's an interesting study as to why individuals turn one way or the other in their thought become the "victim" or the "victor".

It's not only "you get what you get".....I truly believe it's also, "you get what you give". If you give out negative thoughts like candy on Halloween, then guess what? You're going to get back negative thoughts! If you promote positive energy, then posive energy will flow back to you!

Of course there are times when we all may wonder why something happened to us. We may not understand why we "got what we got"....but what in the world is the use of spending time complaining, disecting, inspecting, evaluating, and critiquing it? You get what you get...get ON with it!

Someone asked me a curious question the other day....they asked me "Had I ever wondered WHY and HOW COME I got breast cancer." The question really floored me.....the quick answer was "No"......which evolved into quite the animated argument as this individual simply did not believe me. "How could you NOT question WHY you got cancer?", she asked. She continued on with what I call the 'but factors'......"But you were so healthy! But you didn't smoke! But you exercised every day! Doesn't it make you angry that YOU got cancer? My reply was "What good would it do to ask the question......the answer doesn't get what you get and I got cancer!" Thank goodness I had been pretty healthy prior to diagnosis as it put me in a better position to fight the disease! She ultimately concluded that I was missing something in my brain because it was human nature to question the "why" of things! An amazing concept to me!

I've never been one to question the "why" of throws you a curveball, you need to do something with it.....catch it, swing at it, still "get what you get"...the curveball.

Why ask why? Life hands you cancer? You've got to deal with it! Life hands you relationship issues, avoiding them won't help! Life hands you a job you're not crazy about? You still need to pay the bills......either put up with it or change still "get what you get!" What you DO with what you get is what makes the difference!

We all "get" something in our's up to us to make the most of it!

I believe if children growing up in our abundent society today would learn this concept early, we will ultimately have a future of more well-adjusted, productive, and happy individuals. If children learn early on that whining and complaining about the "injustices in their lives" such as not having the latest cell phone, no cable television in their bedrooms, not being able to stay out with friends past curfew, that work must be performed to earn money to buy things they want, that they must contribute to chores around the house, that they may not get into their first choice of a college, that if they don't work hard in school they won't get the grades they desire........if they simply learn the skill and ability to realize that they "get what they get" and how they deal with it makes all the! Imagine the power! If our young adults realize that they have the power to make the CHOICE to either sit and complain about what they 'got' or that they can take "what they got" and make the choice to make changes in their life to go after their dreams, goals and!

We all have so much potential! We all have so much power! We all have the ability to take "what we got" and truly "make the most of it!"

So the next time something happens to you and you feel yourself going down the "woe is me" pathway....stop! Stop and rewind the tape! Rewind the tape to where you take a look at what life has handed to yourself, "You get what you what am I going to do with it?"

What do you think?

Glenna Sanford
Author/Speaker/Life Power Coach

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A turtle? What do I have in common with a turtle?

Recently I attended a conference where we listened to numerous speakers on various topics....all good, yet somewhat overwhelming at times. So many wonderful ideas! So many thoughts to follow up many people doing fantastic things!

One speaker however said a simple sentence that truly hit home for me.....he said, "A turtle doesn't get anywhere without sticking it's neck out." Bam! Wow! Hit me over the head with a dose of reality! Wake up!

A turtle? Never in a million years would I liken myself to a turtle......a turtle is cold, slimy.....lives in a tank, has a hard shell......hmmmmm.......hard shell? Maybe there is something there! I started thinking.....

Over the years I probably have developed a "shell" of some was a necessity when going through long as I was "tough" and had my "shell" to protect me I could get through. That shell often took the shape of laughter, jokes, bravery.......when underneath I too felt the same anxiety, fear, worries that every cancer patient feels.....yet I focused on being tough for my children, my family and myself. I've always been a positive thinker at heart and it is indeed a necessity during a trying time. Yes, the shell is there......

How else was I like a turtle? I realized that the speaker's phrase of "A turtle doesn't get anywhere without sticking it's neck out," again is exactly where I am once again! A turtle cannot take one simple step without sticking it's head out. A turtle will stay closed up in it's hard shell if it never sticks it's head out. A turtle cannot get anywhere in life if it doesn't take that first step of sticking it's head out.......I too found similarities to the turtle. Risks, adventures, trials, dreams, aspirations........all part of sticking my head out!

I realized that even thinking about the wonders of my life have encouraged me to "stick my neck out"....not everyone understands how one can be positive after an experience such as cancer.....yet I am. I am positive that joy is an integral part of my life. I am positive that life is good. Life is to be cherished. Life is to be lived!!!

Risks are to be taken. The risk of trying a bit harder....the risk of trying new things. The risk of enjoying life as it is meant to be enjoyed. If we don't try new things and push ourselves to new heights we will never know what we can become.......and that would be a shame. We are here to reach our potential......we are here to stick our necks out......we are here to be like the stick our necks out to move forward. I guess being like a turtle is not so bad.....

What do you think?

Glenna Sanford
Author / Speaker / Power for Life Coach

Monday, June 11, 2007

Did You Find Some Joy Today?

Every day. EVERY day. Do you find JOY somewhere in your life every day?

I can recall days....weeks.....months.....where it seems like the "unfair" or "unkind" elements of life just keep washing over us like the never ending waves of the powerful ocean......and we need to take care not to get caught in the undertow of the the negative forces pulling us down. Why is it we can so easily recall the dark times of our lives and have difficulty recalling the constant reminders of joy in our lives?

When I am asked about my journey with breast cancer.....I have to stop and ponder. It is so very easy to recall the multiple surgeries, the testing, the treatments......and on and on. What I have to remind myself however is of the joyful times during that same time and space. Was it bad? Of course it was bad. Was it also good? Of course it was also good!! The good times of cancer involves cherishing the friendships - old and new - of those who helped us endlessly. The good times of cancer involves smiling with every trip to the mailbox that resulted in a get-well-soon card that brightened my day. The good times of cancer involved the patience and care of the doctors and nurses who tended to my needs. The good times of cancer involved the neverending support of family and friends who walked in walks, worked events, and did everything they could to help raise money for a cure. Yes, there are good times ....even in cancer.

The biggest thing that cancer taught me was to look for joy EVERY day. EVERY day I look and find joy somewhere. Are some days harder than others? Of course they are......yet every day I strive to find something. Sometimes the joy is simply from having gotten through the day and looking forward to the dawn of a new day. Sometimes the joy is simply from witnessing the joy of someone makes me smile. Sometimes the joy is from sharing a giggle with a friend. Sometimes the joy is from sitting quietly, alone, drinking in the beauty of our world around us. It doesn't have to be monumental. It doesn't have to be significant. It only needs to be real.

My wish for you is to open your eyes to the real joys that surround us daily. Open your heart to the song of joy that whistles gently through the green leaves of the trees. Open your sense of smell to the soft fragrances of blooming flowers. Open your enjoyment of the sense of touch to the joy of holding the hand of a child.

True joy does exist in our world......every day. We can see it and feel it if we look for it. When you find it, share it with others. Perhaps this will spread the message of beauty,

What joy did you find in your world today?

Glenna Sanford

Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach

Sunday, May 6, 2007

It Started With a Pair of Red Shoes.....Easy Joy!

Ever have one of those weeks when everything seems upside down and difficult to manage? That was this past was one thing after another! A difficult week to find "joy" in my world. The weekend arrived and on the schedule was an event that we had been looking forward to for some time, yet now with the hectic week behind me I was struggling to get "in the groove" for the party......

Knowing that an event will be fun when you get there....and getting yourself there are two different things! Schedules, deadlines, responsibilities......they all wear down your level of energy. I knew I needed something to revive my energy to be able to attend and enjoy the event we had been looking forward to for several weeks.

Frantically, I was rushing through a department store doing some last minute errands and mulling over the evening ahead and how I could possibly get everything done that was on my list. Then I saw them......right in front of my size!!! On the shelf at the local department store was the most outrageous pair of red patent leather higher-then-high heeled shoes!! The corner of my mouth started to twitch. Slowly I burst into a full grin........and my mind began to play the "what if" game. What if I were to try them on? What if I were to actually consider buying them? What if I bought them and wore them to the party?! Wow!!

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am one of those "sensible shoes" types of gals......nothing real that are purposeful and can be worn with numerous outfits and for several years......What was I thinking? RED PATENT LEATHER HIGHER-THEN-HIGH HEELED SHOES? It would be SO out of my comfort zone.......yet SO much sheer, delicious, spectacular FUN!!

That was it!! I tried on those fancy red shoes and they fit!! What fun! What joy! This was easy! Stop!! Wait a minute! Joy! EASY JOY!!! I had risen from my hectic crazy week and could feel myself becoming re-energized for the evening ahead! Easy joy is what I had found! It didn't take expensive spa treatments. It didn't take costly therapy sessions. It didn't take any more than an inexpensive pair of outrageous shoes to snap me back to enjoying the moment!!

From there as the clouds in my mind began to lift I realized what articles of clothing I already had in my closet that I could put with these outrageous shoes.....and what jewelry would be as equally outrageous......and I realized I was walking through the store with a full grin on my face! It all began with a pair of red shoes......

The young cashier looked at the shoes, looked at me, and asked, "Are these shoes for you?" Now I began to giggle....."Yes! Aren't they FUN?" I replied? "Wow", she commented, "My mother would never wear these!" I chuckled......THAT is exactly the reason I WAS going to wear them!!
As I loaded my bags into the car I began to ponder the numerous occasions for "easy joy" we have surrounding us every day.......the family dog who nuzzles up to us looking for a pat, the children rushing from the bus stop to show us their latest artwork from school, the person in front of us in the grocery store that lets us go ahead of them because we have 2 items and they have 2 cart loads of groceries, the soft gentle breeze created when we drive with our windows down, the sun streaming through the clouds spreading rays of light, the friend who calls asking for our advice, the feel of soft grass on our bare feet, the new sparkly earrings that shimmer and shine, the hot cup of tea we're able to sit and sip slowly before starting the dinner routine, the smell of linens after they've been hung to dry outside on a line, the purr of the cat when he rests in our lap..........easy joy.

I realized that easy joy surrounds us every day. Easy joy surrounds us every moment. Yet often times we simply are going too fast to notice. Easy joy can bring a smile to our hearts instantaneously.......yet only if we let it. I realized that the week had been such a week that I had stopped seeing the easy joys of life all around me. I had hardened my heart and mind in the effort to "get it all done". It took a pair of shoes to bring it all back.

Well.....the evening came and I wore those shoes to the party! It was fun! It was silly! It was outrageous!! Every time another woman commented that she LOVED my shoes but thought she could NEVER wear shoes like that, I was certain to reassure and encourage her that she could! She must! She simply had to try it!! Several women actually tried my shoes on and it was spectacular to see them standing there, 4 inches taller, wobbling to keep their balance, and smiling! Smiling at the FUN the shoes encouraged! They started to laugh and giggle! Soon they had a smile from ear to ear! It was magic!!

Perhaps the shoes conjured up past memories of dress-up we all played as children. I'm not sure. I do know however, that as I sat there the next morning with my aching toes in a warm bubbly foot bath to soak the aches and pains away.......I realized that every ache and pain was worth it! While I may not wear these outrageous shoes often, they will sit on my shelf as a reminder of the day I was reminded of the wonderful EASY JOYS that are part of my life and surround me every day!!

Do you have an easy joy reminder in your life?

Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Where's the JOY in cancer?

Five years ago, the day before my 33rd birthday, I received the diagnosis of stage 3, infiltrating ductile carcinoma.....a long, fancy, scientific description for "cancer". How could I have breast cancer? I was sure it must be some mistake.........I was healthy! I exercised every day! I ate the right foods! I nursed my children! I did monthly breast exams! How could this be?

It was true however and the journey of cancer began.....

Through a year of surgeries, chemotherapy, losing my hair, genetic testing, reconstructive surgery, and uncountable visits back and forth from hospitals and doctors' offices, many around me focused on the "tragedy" of cancer. I found quickly that looking at what was happening to my body was counter productive to my recovery. All around me, every day, were moments of joy. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even complete strangers helped in so many ways to help our family work through the year. These are the things I chose to focus on.

Cancer opened my eyes to the things in life that truly matter. Cancer caused me to slow down and spend those special moments with my children. Cancer has given me permission to walk past the sink of dirty dishes to sit and read a book with my child.....the dishes would wait. Cancer encouraged me to spend more time in my garden and less time worrying about the house being cleaned to perfection........the dust would still be there to be cleaned whether or not I rushed in from my gardening or if I spent an extra moment enjoying the beauty of the flowers around me. Cancer pushed me to recognize the joy in my life that surrounds me every day.

Our efforts to help fight cancer through various fundraising efforts reinforced the joy of life. Countless individuals joining together to raise awareness and money to find a cure. What could be more positive and joyful than that? We have been overwhelmed by generosity of time, money and spirit. This is what is important in life.....people working with people.....for people......together.

So many people spend their lives searching for their personal joy........don't wait for a daunting diagnosis to force you to recognize what is right in front of you now! It's not about obtaining the dream-house, the car you want, the perfect's about life, living, breathing.......simply being alive to enjoy the beauty of the world around us!

While we may not have a choice as to the diagnosis of cancer and what it does to our bodies, we do have a choice on how to deal with it.......choose to find the good, choose to focus on the positive, choose to continue to recognize the wonders of our world, choose to enjoy the small significant moments, choose.......choose joy.

Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Where Do You Find Joy in Your Life?

Where is your joy? What do you find joyful? Is your life filled with joy?

These are not trick questions. These are questions we all should be able to answer quickly and with confidence!! We all become so busy and frenetic in our lives that often we forget to recognize what makes us smile, what makes our hearts full, what makes us truly joyful!

When is the last time you noticed the sun shining through the clouds? When is the last time you stopped and picked a dandelion? When is the last time you rode in your car with the windows down and the wind blowing through the open windows and tossing your hair wildly around your face? When is the last time you hugged a child, held the hand of an elderly person, tried to catch a bubble floating through the air from a bubble wand being waved through the air? Little things.....little moments.....big results....big "joy".

Recently I had one of those days where it was difficult to find the "joy" in things happening around me. A friend was in the hospital, I had learned of another whose mother had just been diagnosed with cancer, a work project had gone awry, an unexpected bill (a very large one) appeared in my mailbox, anticipated travel plans needed to be canceled......every have one of those days?

In the midst of the chaos of the day I stopped to pick up my youngest child.....of course I was late....... she climbed into the car and I (with forced cheer in my voice) asked her "How was your day?" With a click of her seat belt buckle she sighed and said, "Mom, my day was great! I got picked to read in science class, the teacher asked me to help with a special project, I played tag on the playground with three of my best friends, the hot lunch today was yummy, AND I got all of my spelling words right!"

Wow! Her statement went through me like a lightening bolt.....of course!! All of these little things in my daughter's day are what made her feel like the day was great! The simple things throughout her day put a smile on her face and made the day "great"! Where were my "great" things of the day? Had I even considered them? Had I even considered the numerous things that made my day beautiful and fulfilled? The co-worker who held the door for me as I walked into the building, the hand-written thank-you note received from a friend, the fresh hot coffee in the breakroom, the soft rain falling on the new flowers outside the window, the anticipation of a long walk with the family dog when I got home, reading a book with my children before bedtime, feeling their warm hugs as they were tucked into their beds.......these are truly the things that were making my day "great" and I had let them go by unnoticed, unappreciated, unrecognized.

The everyday small things in life are truly our "joys". If we spend all of our time searching for the big joys we miss the ones that really add up. Where do you find joy in your life? Do you see it every day? Remember the little things.....remember the little things that truly matter....and you will have a joyful life!

Glenna Sanford
Speaker/Author/Life Power Coach

Monday, April 16, 2007

Joy is One Choice Away

Why is it that we prolong our true enjoyment of life until we "get the house, job, car, lifestyle" we think we want and deserve? Why is it we do not enjoy right here and now.....our every day lives....regardless of what we have or don't have around us?

I have friends who are so sad with the state of their lives....they think they have either done the wrong things, are in the wrong jobs, live in the wrong state, don't have the things in their lives that they think will make them happy......they are so close to true joy and they don't even realize it.

JOY is but one choice away. We must CHOOSE to find joy in our lives. JOY may be a very hard choice, but it is still one choice away. We CHOOSE to live a certain way. We CHOOSE to associate with certain people. We CHOOSE to perpetuate certain habits. We can also CHOOSE to find JOY in our lives and enjoy the very essence of being alive.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago I had a choice. I could choose to think my life was over or I could choose to believe the rest of my life was just beginning. I could choose to overlook the pleasure of my 2 and 6 year olds because of the disease, or I could choose to cherish every moment with them and plan for their futures. I could choose to curl up in my bedrooom and ignore the world, or I could choose to embrace the very essence of being alive. My choice was to LIVE. My choice was to find JOY in my surroundings. My choice was to stive for a future.

No, chemotherapy is not fun. No, multiple surgeries is not fun. No, losing your hair is not fun. No, thinking that cancer could return at any moment is not fun. All of those things however are moments in time.....they do not define who we are and what we will become. I am not a cancer patient first....I am an individual first ..... just one who happened to have cancer. We cannot live our lives sucumbing to our fears......we must live our lives focused on keeping JOY front and center.

Where do you find your everyday JOY in your life? Have you made choices in your life to make JOY your focus? What does JOY mean to you?

Here is a challenge for you......the next time you are faced with an obstacle that makes you sad, mad, upset, remorseful, fearful......stop and ask yourself...."What is the one choice I could make in this situation that would turn it to a situation of joy?" It's not an impossible question. It's a question that can turn your life around.

Glenna Sanford
Speaker/Author/Life Power Coach