Five years ago, the day before my 33rd birthday, I received the diagnosis of stage 3, infiltrating ductile carcinoma.....a long, fancy, scientific description for "cancer". How could I have breast cancer? I was sure it must be some mistake.........I was healthy! I exercised every day! I ate the right foods! I nursed my children! I did monthly breast exams! How could this be?
It was true however and the journey of cancer began.....
Through a year of surgeries, chemotherapy, losing my hair, genetic testing, reconstructive surgery, and uncountable visits back and forth from hospitals and doctors' offices, many around me focused on the "tragedy" of cancer. I found quickly that looking at what was happening to my body was counter productive to my recovery. All around me, every day, were moments of joy. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even complete strangers helped in so many ways to help our family work through the year. These are the things I chose to focus on.
Cancer opened my eyes to the things in life that truly matter. Cancer caused me to slow down and spend those special moments with my children. Cancer has given me permission to walk past the sink of dirty dishes to sit and read a book with my child.....the dishes would wait. Cancer encouraged me to spend more time in my garden and less time worrying about the house being cleaned to perfection........the dust would still be there to be cleaned whether or not I rushed in from my gardening or if I spent an extra moment enjoying the beauty of the flowers around me. Cancer pushed me to recognize the joy in my life that surrounds me every day.
Our efforts to help fight cancer through various fundraising efforts reinforced the joy of life. Countless individuals joining together to raise awareness and money to find a cure. What could be more positive and joyful than that? We have been overwhelmed by generosity of time, money and spirit. This is what is important in life.....people working with people.....for people......together.
So many people spend their lives searching for their personal joy........don't wait for a daunting diagnosis to force you to recognize what is right in front of you now! It's not about obtaining the dream-house, the car you want, the perfect's about life, living, breathing.......simply being alive to enjoy the beauty of the world around us!
While we may not have a choice as to the diagnosis of cancer and what it does to our bodies, we do have a choice on how to deal with it.......choose to find the good, choose to focus on the positive, choose to continue to recognize the wonders of our world, choose to enjoy the small significant moments, choose.......choose joy.
Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach
018 – Thomas Ross – No one succeeds alone
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