Sunday, May 6, 2007

It Started With a Pair of Red Shoes.....Easy Joy!

Ever have one of those weeks when everything seems upside down and difficult to manage? That was this past was one thing after another! A difficult week to find "joy" in my world. The weekend arrived and on the schedule was an event that we had been looking forward to for some time, yet now with the hectic week behind me I was struggling to get "in the groove" for the party......

Knowing that an event will be fun when you get there....and getting yourself there are two different things! Schedules, deadlines, responsibilities......they all wear down your level of energy. I knew I needed something to revive my energy to be able to attend and enjoy the event we had been looking forward to for several weeks.

Frantically, I was rushing through a department store doing some last minute errands and mulling over the evening ahead and how I could possibly get everything done that was on my list. Then I saw them......right in front of my size!!! On the shelf at the local department store was the most outrageous pair of red patent leather higher-then-high heeled shoes!! The corner of my mouth started to twitch. Slowly I burst into a full grin........and my mind began to play the "what if" game. What if I were to try them on? What if I were to actually consider buying them? What if I bought them and wore them to the party?! Wow!!

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am one of those "sensible shoes" types of gals......nothing real that are purposeful and can be worn with numerous outfits and for several years......What was I thinking? RED PATENT LEATHER HIGHER-THEN-HIGH HEELED SHOES? It would be SO out of my comfort zone.......yet SO much sheer, delicious, spectacular FUN!!

That was it!! I tried on those fancy red shoes and they fit!! What fun! What joy! This was easy! Stop!! Wait a minute! Joy! EASY JOY!!! I had risen from my hectic crazy week and could feel myself becoming re-energized for the evening ahead! Easy joy is what I had found! It didn't take expensive spa treatments. It didn't take costly therapy sessions. It didn't take any more than an inexpensive pair of outrageous shoes to snap me back to enjoying the moment!!

From there as the clouds in my mind began to lift I realized what articles of clothing I already had in my closet that I could put with these outrageous shoes.....and what jewelry would be as equally outrageous......and I realized I was walking through the store with a full grin on my face! It all began with a pair of red shoes......

The young cashier looked at the shoes, looked at me, and asked, "Are these shoes for you?" Now I began to giggle....."Yes! Aren't they FUN?" I replied? "Wow", she commented, "My mother would never wear these!" I chuckled......THAT is exactly the reason I WAS going to wear them!!
As I loaded my bags into the car I began to ponder the numerous occasions for "easy joy" we have surrounding us every day.......the family dog who nuzzles up to us looking for a pat, the children rushing from the bus stop to show us their latest artwork from school, the person in front of us in the grocery store that lets us go ahead of them because we have 2 items and they have 2 cart loads of groceries, the soft gentle breeze created when we drive with our windows down, the sun streaming through the clouds spreading rays of light, the friend who calls asking for our advice, the feel of soft grass on our bare feet, the new sparkly earrings that shimmer and shine, the hot cup of tea we're able to sit and sip slowly before starting the dinner routine, the smell of linens after they've been hung to dry outside on a line, the purr of the cat when he rests in our lap..........easy joy.

I realized that easy joy surrounds us every day. Easy joy surrounds us every moment. Yet often times we simply are going too fast to notice. Easy joy can bring a smile to our hearts instantaneously.......yet only if we let it. I realized that the week had been such a week that I had stopped seeing the easy joys of life all around me. I had hardened my heart and mind in the effort to "get it all done". It took a pair of shoes to bring it all back.

Well.....the evening came and I wore those shoes to the party! It was fun! It was silly! It was outrageous!! Every time another woman commented that she LOVED my shoes but thought she could NEVER wear shoes like that, I was certain to reassure and encourage her that she could! She must! She simply had to try it!! Several women actually tried my shoes on and it was spectacular to see them standing there, 4 inches taller, wobbling to keep their balance, and smiling! Smiling at the FUN the shoes encouraged! They started to laugh and giggle! Soon they had a smile from ear to ear! It was magic!!

Perhaps the shoes conjured up past memories of dress-up we all played as children. I'm not sure. I do know however, that as I sat there the next morning with my aching toes in a warm bubbly foot bath to soak the aches and pains away.......I realized that every ache and pain was worth it! While I may not wear these outrageous shoes often, they will sit on my shelf as a reminder of the day I was reminded of the wonderful EASY JOYS that are part of my life and surround me every day!!

Do you have an easy joy reminder in your life?

Glenna Sanford
Speaker / Author / Life Power Coach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glenna, I l-o-v-e-d those shoes and you looked like a natural in them from where I sat at the party :)
You should choose to wear them to future parties!
Thanks for all the easy joy you brought to other women at the party!