Sunday, November 4, 2007

Are You a Morning Person? A Night Person?...How About Becoming an EVERY DAY Person!

An interesting conversation I had on the plane……

It was an early flight….even too early for ME who is a definite "morning" person. I typically rise each day by 5AM. Today however, I needed to catch a flight that left the ground at 5:15AM….hmmmm…..what to do? The only solution possible was to set the alarm clock for an unheard of hour of 3AM. I actually worried the clock wouldn’t work to go off at that time! Three o’clock in the morning? Ugh!

The airport was crowded…..full to the brim of cranky individuals waiting for their luggage to be screened. My thought was that not many of these folks in line with droopy eyes and hair awry were true “morning” people. Not many personal greetings were being shared as folks stared at their boarding passes, double and triple checking that they were at the correct gate….after all… was early!

The flight departed and arrived safely at the next airport where again more non-morning people were grumbling and grousing as they endured the shuffle from one gate to the other……

On to the next plane….and into an interesting conversation. It came out in conversing with my seat mate that I was a morning person and he was an evening person. Then the question evolved…..are there “day persons”? Hmmmmm…….

If a large percentage of our population is more oriented to their productivity during the morning hours and the remaining percentage is more oriented to their productivity during the afternoon and evening hours…what happens to those who are “day” people?

How about the excuse of why people are allowed to be cranky because they are not “morning people” or they are not “night people”……why do we excuse the actions of individuals because they need to interact around their prime “time”? Why do we excuse such behavior……and again, what happens to the “day” person……..when is their allotted time to be cranky?

If we continue to find excuses for our behavior we will continue to perpetuate the behavior. If we move beyond the behavior, we grow. My goal is to move beyond being a “morning person” and becoming an “every-day-all-day person”… grow to appreciate the wonders and joys around us every day…..ALL day. If we are ultimately able to see the joys around us, we ultimately will share the joys around us with others……..and won’t that make the world a better place?

I think my seat mate was on to something…..where are the “day people”……I think we could all be “day people”…..EVERY day people! Start today! Don’t wait until tomorrow…find your personal joy today. Share your joy with others….today. Become an “every day person!”

Glenna Griffin Sanford
Author / Speaker / LifePower Coach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're on to something... being a day person!

As someone who professes to not be a morning person, this comes from the fact that I have a slower morning curve than others. But once the coffee kicks in, then I am definitely a day person.
