Today I had the experience of watching a little girl try on red ruby slippers in the middle of a shoe department. I sat and watched and smiled as the 'Power of the Red Shoe' was as exciting for the 9 year old as it is for adult women!! There is something exilerating about looking at your feet and seeing red shiny shoes!
It's hard to explain, however I believe it comes back to the sense of personal choice. Whether we are 9 years old, 39 years old or 79 years old.....CHOOSING the red shoes to try on admist the rows of brown and black shoes just makes us smile.
Isn't this reflective of the choices we make in our daily lives? When we exercise the power of our personal choice admist the routine decisions we face every day, we smile. When we exercise the power of our ability to make a personal choice about what WE want it simply feels good! The power of personal choice feels as good as slipping into a pair of wonderful red shoes!
I would encourage you to try an experiment. On a particular day when you are feeling overwhelmed by decisions you feel are out of your control, when you are looking at the prospect of a long day of routine, when you're dreading the schedule of the day......pull out your secret weapon. Pull out your red shoes and wear them!!! It doesn't matter if they match your outfit! It doesn't matter if they're heels or flats!! The only thing that matters is that you slip them on and go after your day!!! Try it!! Let me know how it feels! I'd love to hear!!
Let me know if you felt as excited as the 9 year old trying on ruby red sparkly slippers today. Let me know if you felt armed with the knowledge of your ability to make the Personal Intentional Choice (your PIC!) and the wonders of your strength!
What PIC will you make today about other things in your lives?